Effortless Document Management with AI (artificial intelligence)

Manual data entry draws time and energy away from more fruitful business activities. By automating the process of information capture you can reduce human error and increase efficiency and productivity.

Intelligent Indexing is a term used to describe the automatic scanning and capture of relevant information from a document (using OCR), and the conversion of that into meaningful data for index and searching.

What is Advanced OCR?

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) might sound technical, but it’s essentially a smart tool that helps you capture printed text into digital data that you can then search for specific words or content.

File Stream systems come with basic OCR functionality as standard, and an optional Advanced OCR Module.

What Makes Advanced OCR Different?

File Stream advanced OCR takes the basic idea of OCR and makes it smarter and more accurate. Here are some key features:

  1. Higher Accuracy: It uses better algorithms to recognise text more accurately, even if the text is in a difficult font or a low-quality image.
  2. Multiple Languages: It can read text in many different languages.
  3. Reads Complex Layouts: It can understand and organise text from complex documents with tables, forms, or multiple columns.

In File Stream the advanced OCR module can be used to automatically recognise a particular type of document, capture key meta data and automatically index it to a designated cabinet.

This is often referred to as Intelligent Indexing.

File Stream Intelligent Indexing

File Stream can revolutionise how you manage your documents with its powerful Intelligent Indexing feature.

The system automatically scans for key terms and converts them into structured, usable & searchable data. This data can be used to automatically index documents, and be exported to CSV for import into other systems

Commonly used for invoice processing, this is a powerful tool in many other customisable areas such as order processing or HR workflows.

Talk to us if you’d like more ideas about how OCR and Intelligent Indexing could help automate your manual data processing