File Stream Version 4 onwards has a single licence file that is usually held in the File Stream Technical Folder on the server in the case of a network system. This .LIC file is used to “switch on” additional features that have been bought as well as the number of users that can log on at any one time. It also contains a list of all the PCs by name that are licensed to use the software. This means that as PCs are removed and added this list needs to be edited accordingly using Licence Manager.

27 July 2018

How does File Stream Licensing work?

File Stream Version 4 onwards has a single licence file that is usually held in the File Stream Technical Folder on the server in the case of a network system. This .LIC file is used to “switch on” additional features […]
27 July 2018

How to License a new PC?

Click on the” Help Tab” and then on the “Licensing” icon. Click on “Get License” and browse to the location where the license file is held. Click on the license and then OK.
27 July 2018

How to find Licence Version?

It could be visible on the bottom LHS of your screen. Also… Clicking on the “Help Tab” followed by clicking on the “About” icon displays the version of File Stream you have installed.
27 July 2018

How to find License Information

To find information on your licence click on the “Help Tab” and then on the Licensing icon. This will show you when your licence expires, what features you are licensed for and if you click on “Get Licence” it will […]